Welcome to my site. My name is Helen Hindle, I am the Head of a Maths department in Rainham, East London. This website is a work in progress, follow me on twitter @HelenHindle1 for information on updates.
Growth Mindset Maths is an approach to teaching mathematics which believes that mindset is more important than initial ability in determining the progress made by pupils in their mathematical understanding. Pupils with a growth mindset will make better progress than pupils with a fixed mindset. Pupils with a growth mindset:-
The link above is to an artcile written by Carole Dweck in 2008 for the Carnegie Corporation of New York-Institute for Advanced Study Commission on Mathematics and Science Education. Thank you to Sarah-Jane from www.nationalnumeracy.org.uk for sharing this article with me.
The link above is to 'Understanding John Hattie's Visible Learning Research in the Context of Carole Dweck's Growth Mindset' by Gerry Miller.
The link above is to a report produced by OECD 'PISA 2012 Results in Focus. What 15-year-olds know and what they can do with what they know.'
Although the report does not use the term 'growth mindset' it refers to the characteritics of a growth mindset, drive, motivation, resiliance and self belief, and the impact that these characteristics have on achievement. This is printed onto stickers and stuck on the front of books in our Mixed Attainment Year 7 & Year 8 classes.
Thank you to Paul Meredith, James Mannion, Elise James and Sophie Mills for many of the resources below.
The 'My Favourite Mistakes' Tool included in the Self Assessment / Reflection Tools for Pupils uses an acronym created by @Maths4ukplc who you can follow on twitter, also using the #YesUCan
Thanks to Simon Hawthorne and Jo Cassidy for the resouce above.
The above Questionnaire was created in collaboration with Simon Hawthorne. The analysis tool is in the developmental stage, please tweet me any suggestions or feedback.
The table below is from 'Thinking Through Mathematics' by James Wright and Sally Taverner